воскресенье, 15 мая 2011 г.

Alzheimer's Society Comment On A News Strategy For Carers That Plans To Double The Amount Of Respite Care For Carers In England

The carers strategy is a good start in tackling the large set of problems faced by carers. Greater investment in respite is very good news. It could give thousands of carers the invaluable opportunity to recharge their batteries and access crucial support. However, it's important that this new money is used for short breaks and not only given to people when they reach crisis point. It's also not just about putting someone in a care home for a week, we need to get creative and provide support that fits people's individual needs.

The number of people with dementia will soar to over 1 million by 2025 and we still have a long way to go if we are to equip our care system to meet this need. This strategy fails to address the huge financial burden of caring that is forcing thousands into poverty. Carers of people with dementia are amongst the hardest hit by the current charging system. We need a new national settlement on who pays for care that removes the disproportionate burden carried by carers of people with long term conditions.

Neil Hunt

Chief Executive

Alzheimer's Society

About the Alzheimer's Society

Alzheimer's Society is the leading care and research charity for people with all forms dementia and their carers. It provides information and education, support for carers, and quality day and home care. It funds medical and scientific research and campaigns for improved health and social services and greater public understanding of dementia.

The Alzheimer's Society provides a national help line on 0845 3000 336 and website alzheimers.uk. Please include this information in any publication that uses these comments.

Alzheimer's Society

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