понедельник, 11 апреля 2011 г.

Alzheimer's Society Comment On New Research Into Insulin Degrading Enzyme ('Pac-Man' Enzyme)

'It is widely believed that the processes that lead to the generation of beta amyloid plaques are a major factor in causing Alzheimer's disease.

This new research looks at the activity of one of the enzymes that obstruct the plaque formation. Initial findings are showing that it is possible to kick start this enzyme into activity through its interaction with smaller compounds.

Finding new ways of obstructing the processes that lead to beta amyloid plaques could be a real advantage in the treatment of dementia. However, there is still a long way to go before a 'best' small compound is identified and tested.

One million people will develop dementia in the next 10 years yet dementia research is desperately under funded. With more investment in research, dementia can be defeated.'

" Small-Molecule Activators of Insulin-Degrading Enzyme Discovered Through High Throughput Compound Screening."

Leissring et al.

PloS ONE, April 2009.


Dr Susan Sorensen

Head of Research

Alzheimer's Society

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