понедельник, 11 апреля 2011 г.

Physicians Adult Daycare Comments On Study That Shows Adult Daycare May Help Reduce Onset Of Alzheimer's

When the elderly keep themselves regularly involved in group activities, the benefits are many: social, emotional, mental and health benefits. In its capacity as advocate for the adult daycare field, Physicians Adult Daycare, Inc. (Pink Sheets:PHYA) has long been aware of this and promoted this practice - not only for healthy adults, but also for those whose physical or mental health requires special care.

"Understanding is extremely important when dealing with Dementia and Alzheimer's," stated Duane Starkey, CEO of Physicians Adult Daycare. "Our company is constantly utilizing information on the latest techniques and technologies being developed for improved care of our clients."

Starkey made the comments earlier this week, addressing some of the Company's centers and a group of potential financiers, in response to information he shared with them including:

* A recent 5-year study on Alzheimer's indicates adult daycare services may be effective in reducing the onset of the disease.

* Nursing home patients who had not used adult daycare typically suffered cognitive decline.

* The patients who had used adult daycare several times a week showed no decline.

That information comes from a study of senior citizen volunteers conducted at the Alzheimer's Disease Center at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and published June 27 in the online edition of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

"This is quite important news," said Starkey. "Based on this and other data, even a casual analysis of demographics reveals a strong upward trend in the burgeoning adult day care field for decades to come. But these centers need to be ready - have to be ready - for the full impact the Baby Boomer generation will have. Around the country, too many centers are not updated, not specialized to the needs of their local community, not prepared for the population explosion or just not properly financed," he said.

This and other studies, as well as demographics, support the daily experiences of personnel at Physicians Adult Daycare and together are some of the reasons the company recently announced its new business plans to begin constructing its own modern adult care centers complete with fully-integrated health services.

In keeping with the Company's goal of Extended Quality Of Life for Eldercare and the Handicapped, new programs will include memory training, music therapy, speech therapy, water therapy, mobility training and special education training. Details on these programs will be released in coming weeks.

About Physicians Adult Daycare, Inc.

We provide needed services for an Improved and Extended Quality Of Life for Eldercare and the Handicapped. We help Senior's preserve their Independent Living Lifestyle and bring relief to their Caregivers. We refer to those that use our services as Clients. Home to center and return transportation is provided for those Clients needing such service. Breakfast is provided and a dietary-supervised hot lunch. Games, Arts and Crafts, Physical and Mental training under the supervision of a Licensed Nurse and Activities Director are conducted daily. Adult daycare has proven to help the Elderly maintain Cognitive Recognition and delay the onset of Dementia and Alzheimer's. This is great news for the "Baby-Boomers" and all of us. This is why we are in this business. For additional information, please visit the corporate website, physiciansadultdaycare.

Forward Looking Statements

Certain statements in this news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of the Federal securities laws. All statements, other than statements of fact, included in this release may include forward-looking statements that may involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect subsequently occurring events or circumstances or to reflect unanticipated events or developments.

For additional information, please visit physiciansadultdaycare.

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