воскресенье, 10 апреля 2011 г.

Exposure To Pesticides Could Increase Risk Of Cognitive Decline

Direct exposure to pesticides could increase the risk of cognitive decline, according to a study published online in Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

Direct exposure to pesticides could increase the risk of cognitive decline, according to a study published online in Occupational and Environmental Medicine. The findings were based on questionnaire and cognitive test results gathered from 614 French farmers at the beginning and end of a six year period.

The research found that farmers who had been exposed to pesticides were the most likely - in the majority of the nine cognitive tests - to perform worse in the second tests. This included being five times more likely to score a lower test score in the mini mental state exam (MMSE) which is often used to assess cognitive decline associated with dementia.

Alzheimer's Society comment:

'Pesticides are often given bad press and this is not the first time we have seen research linking them to health problems. However, this is a relatively small study carried out over a short period of time so we must be careful not to read too much into the results. We don't for example know if the cognitive decline is definitely caused by the pesticides or by other unidentified risk factors that could be common to this group. It is also a step too far to say this decline would lead to dementia.'

'One in three people over 65 will die with dementia. Much more research is needed to build on this latest study and to move us closer to establishing the causes and finding a cure for this devastating condition.'

Dr Anne Corbett

Research Communications Manager


Alzheimer's Society

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